What is the BEL-SME call?
- Innoviris, SPW Research & VLAIO jointly developed this call which encourages the development of joint R&D projects between Belgian SMEs from the 3 different regions.
- The project consortium should consist of at least two SMEs from two different Belgian regions.
- The duration of a project is between 12 and 24 months.
- Deadline for submission is 27 March 2020.
- Check the full documents for more info on the call or contact the regional infopoint
- Brussels on the Innoviris website or contact smaas@innoviris.brussels
- Flanders on the VLAIO website or contact Ria.Bruynseels@vlaio.be
- Wallonia on the SPW Recherche website or contact pierre.demoitie@spw.wallonie.be